Reasons to Buy Under the Counter Coffee Maker
Under the counter coffee maker or under the cabinet coffee makers make the best option of coffee maker appliance for your kitchen. They are easy to use, easy to clean, and does not take up a lot of counter space. Coffee makers come in reasonably cheap, and these under the counter versions make not much of a difference in prices. This means that when it comes to being compact and stylish, you put more value on your money when you choose this variation of coffee maker.
There are two types of coffee maker appliances to choose from: table or counter top coffee makers, and under the counter or cabinet coffee makers. There can also be various reasons for any coffee lover to choose one from the other. However, according to many housewives, under the counter coffee makers contain some desirable options that appeal to them:
1. Style and Convenience. Aside from the fact that it can create up to 8 cups of coffee in one run, its stream-line structure that perfectly fits with the cabinet or under the counter of your kitchen makes this appliance a great choice and solution to problems with kitchen counter space. Unlike counter-top coffee makers that are bulky and mobile which can be a pain in the neck to stow away, this under the counter or cabinet version makes cleaning and keeping less of an effort.
2. Easy to Clean and Maintain. Having numerous sections within the coffee maker which can be detachable, under the counter coffee makers such as Black and Decker’s under the counter coffee maker and Mr. Coffee’s under the counter coffee maker are easy to clean up. On top of that, these detachable sections can be easily repaired and/or replaced when need be because usually the makers offer parts at a relatively cheaper price compared to buying a new set.
3. More Value for your Money. Counter top coffee makers and under the counter ones cost practically the same. The difference between them usually depends on the brand, the model, and the features being made available. For example, programmable coffee makers usually costs more than an ordinary coffee maker, whether or not it’s designed as an under the counter coffee machine or not.
4. New and High-tech Features. Unlike those traditional coffee makers, which undoubtedly are still desirable, new models of coffee machines are now made available containing high-tech features. Some of these features that make these new versions of coffee making machines popular among coffee lovers is the application of a digital timer, a built-in digital thermostat, a coffee quality gauge, a brew option, and even a link to the water line just to name a few, which makes coffee brewing quick and hassle-free. Although a little bit more expensive than your regular under the counter coffee machine, it brings out both convenience and style to a whole new level. If you have a bit more on your budget to spare, then you won’t go wrong with getting a more upgraded model.